The Complete Guide to Style Wall Art in Your Home: From Selection to Placement

The right wall art can transform your home, adding personality, style, and visual interest to any space. However, choosing and styling wall art can be daunting, especially with the endless options available. This complete guide will help you navigate the world of wall art, from selecting the perfect pieces to placing them in your home with intention.

1. Selecting Wall Art

Selecting wall art is a personal process that ultimately boils down to preference, but there are a few things to consider to make a harmonious selection for your home.

Style and Theme: First, consider the style and theme of your home. If your taste runs to a modern style, selecting abstract, geometric, or minimalistic art can be perfect for your home. For classic farmhouse style, botanical prints, rustic portraits, and landscapes are great options.

Size Matters: Second, choose the right size for your space. A larger room may require a bigger piece of wall art, while a small room may benefit from a smaller artwork to avoid feeling cramped.

Contrast: Third, think about artwork that will complement the existing color scheme in your home. Choosing art with contrasting colors will bring a sense of energy and excitement to the room, while art with complementary colors will create a more harmonious and serene atmosphere.

2. Placement of Wall Art

How you place your wall art is essential in creating a cohesive and stylish look in your home.

Eye Level: Hang your artwork at eye level. The center of your artwork should be at eye level of the average person in the room.

Proportions: Hang your wall art proportionally to the furniture below it. A general guideline is to hang art that is 75% or 50% the width of the furniture below it.

Balance: Find balance in the placement of your artwork. If you have a dominant piece of wall art, balance it with smaller pieces on the other side or place it above a console table that can support its heft.

Groupings: Group small or medium-sized pieces of wall art together to make a bigger statement on a large wall.

3. Mixing and Matching Wall Art Styles

Mixing and matching different styles of wall art can add a unique touch to your room.

Be Cohesive: Keep the color palette consistent when mixing and matching wall art in different styles so that there is unity and cohesion in the room.

Find Common Ground: Integrate different styles in a room by finding common ground between them. This could be finding artwork with similar colors, similar themes, or similar size.

4. Tips for Hanging Wall Art

Here are some additional tips that can help you hang your wall art like a pro:

Materials: Choose the right materials for the job, like picture hooks, wall anchors, and nails.

Tools: Use the right tools, including a level, tape measure, and a stud finder.

Test Run: Use a paper blueprint of your artwork to gauge the ideal placement of your artwork.
In conclusion, wall art can make a big difference in the overall feel and aesthetic of your home. Choosing the right wall art and placing it thoughtfully can transform your space into a stylish and inviting home that reflects your personality and tastes.